Friday, November 14, 2008

Gratitude unexpressed is pretty much useless

If we wait for our emotions to dictate/prompt our actions/attitudes then it will never happen. We are growing numb to the things we should be grateful for everyday.
When we're first in love, it's easy to go out of our way to do kind things for the one that has captured our affection. When we make a new friend, it's easy to lavish attention and spend tons of time together, or on the phone, texting, IMing. We get a new job, the dream job even! It's perfect, we work so hard for the whole 8 hours and often off the clock because of the passion we feel for what we're working towards
But then, the glow wears off. What drew us to our spouse, friend, job, whatever has transformed into what annoys us, gets under our skin, and drives us absolutely insane. We begin to campaign to change that which we fell in love with. We berate it, we beat it up, we ignore it, we talk badly about it to others.
What is it that made us forget what we fell in love with?
Was it that we captured it? That we got to be part of that which we loved everyday so it stopped being something unexpected and special, and became something ordinary and mundane?

Why did you fall in love with your significant other?
Why did you seek out a friendship with someone?
Why did you love spending time with them, getting to know them?
What was it that first took your breath away in those first years with your kids?
What are you holding onto that you won't let go of in order to get back to that falling in love, can't wait to spend as much time as possible with you feeling?

How about God? Why did you first, if you've ever, seek Him? Pursue Him? Listen for Him?
Do you still?

Some days, I don't feel like concentrating on all those things. Some days, I sort of feel like forgetting all the reasons I love people and all the reasons my heart is broken by the damage that is in this world. Some days, I just want to be mean, selfish and nasty.
But then I am reminded, of all that I have been given, all of the love that I receive, all of the kindnesses that are extended by people...and most of all I am reminded in ways both small and large of the grace that was freely given, without condition to me, to all of us, by God.
It's then that I think, how can I not be kind, loving, and thankful? How can I not seek that which I fell in love with in my friends, family, and in God?

So remember why you fell in love, why you're friends; remember the good more than the bad, and remember to listen for God, because he is there, moving, speaking.
Better than remembering, express your gratitude for everything that you have, everything you've been given, and give something to show that gratitude. Tell people thank you in a way they understand.

Show your gratitude to God by loving his people.

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