Monday, December 27, 2010

so i was in the neighborhood...

...i.e. my Blogger dashboard, and I realized none of us have posted here for a while. So I thought I'd start a conversation and basically just check in.

I miss all of you so much!

So, the question of the day is: Boxers or briefs? Do you have a preference and why?

Yeah, I know that I'm silly. But I'm cold and procrastinating, so deal with it!


ellenjane said...

I prefer boxer briefs when they are on boys.
Myself, I um, wear neither. Hanes cotton bikini's please :)

Etepay said...

Not a briefs fan, perhaps when I'm thinner I will change my mind but I prefer boxer briefs and sometimes boxers. Should we really limit ourselves to just the two types? I mean there are trunk's as well, and I mean really the list could go on for days.

Anonymous said...

I'm in total agreement with both of you, in that I can't pick just one!

Being a bit of a collector (understatement alert!), I have a variety of styles, colors, fit, etc.

As for what I like to see on Cody, or to be 100% honest, the models in the catalog, varies by day and mood.

But I'll know it when I see it!!!