Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Minute for your list

What music would you put on your Mix CD to get you motivated?


ellenjane said...

No Doubt, Gwen Stefani, Wicked Soundtrack, Jay-Z, Kanye, Alanis.
I would need several mixed cds...which is why an iPod is an essential part of my daily life now :)

Anonymous said...

Can I only have one? Hmm...

Probably a lot of rock, but pretty much anything up-tempo. I can rock out to some Beethoven as long as it's not too slow.

Some Rent, maybe a bit of Metallica (pre-black album!), and a bit of Third Day.

Etepay said...

show tunes baby! Oh and some disco and some hoppin club music.

Say what you will but music that gets me moving is music that keeps me motivated. :)