Friday, January 14, 2011

my brain is still in bed

so I'm taking the easy way out:

Any plans for the weekend?

Cody and I may join a group of friends for dinner and a movie tomorrow night. Most likely we'll just go to dinner and head home after. We have gift cards for the restaurant and like spending time with friends, but neither one of us are big fans of movie theaters. Especially on a Saturday night...


ellenjane said...

Clean sheet night and no alarm clock saturday for me! Then I have to paint my closet doors and probably go to a soccer game with the famdamily Saturday night. Church on Sunday, I have the morning off WP so just 1 service then home.
There will probably be laundry in there somewhere too.

Etepay said...

work Saturday and then a soccer game...watching, not playing. lol.

Sunday, church and then who knows.

Not a very exciting weekend. lol.