Tuesday, December 28, 2010

*yawn... stretch*

So Julie posted a status update very similar to this blog title on her facebook page recently and I told her that I thought it was cute that she woke up like a cat. So today's question comes from that conversation:

How do you wake up? Grouchy? Happy-go-lucky? Zombie? Kitty-cat?


ellenjane said...

It depends on the morning and the events of the night before. I wake up all of those ways quite often.

Many times though, it's with an "OH SHIT. It's morning. :sigh:"

Anonymous said...

I'm such a grouch in the morning. I'm much better if I wake up on my own without an alarm tearing me from sleep, but I still need my coffee and a good hour or so of "me time" to become somewhat human.

Etepay said...

I am a total zombie most mornings. I prefer not to speak, but will if talked to. I like mornings when I don't have to work and don't have to be rushed to do anything.