Wednesday, January 5, 2011

is it just me

...or does anyone else feel like they're on house arrest during the winter?


ellenjane said...

Yes, and I love it. I'm starting to spend more and more time at my house and my tolerance for long stretches of days spent at work and running around like a crazy person after are waning.

Anonymous said...

I managed to get out of the house today! No *real* snowfall in the forecast, so I managed to get down to Warren to have lunch with a friend.

Etepay said...

I totally feel like a prisoner!!! Bethany keeps me slaving away every minute of every day! j/k.

I have started getting those cabin fever feelings. I long to sit outside in comfort again. I get antsy, even while I've been enjoying the time home, I'm starting to get restless already, could be since I quit my second job, but that's only been a few days. lol.

I hope winter passes quickly.

ellenjane said...

Pete, if you're restless than maybe we should start prepping the living room for painting :)

Anonymous said...


Dude, she TOTALLY nailed your ass on that one!